Afternoon sessions

The ecology of butterfly movement

Organized by

Cheryl Schultz

Dispersal biology is a fundamental life history trait that links behavior to populations and links population dynamics to landscape level processes. In this symposium we will explore approaches to dispersal biology which provide insight into our understanding of butterfly systems and into how we can use butterflies as model taxa to understand fundamental ecological processes.

Oral presentations

Only presenting author shown

13:30-14:10 Keynote presentation
Butterfly movement: when to go and when to stay
Carol Boggs

Species traits as filters of climate-induced range expansion
Diane Debinski

Does habitat use reflect habitat quality? A comparison of three butterfly species in restored and remnant habitat patches
Elizabeth Crone

Connectivity and the genetic effects of a population collapse
Nusha Keyghobadi

Flight and dispersal in the Glanville fritillary butterfly: genes, physiology and environmental effects
Anniina Mattila

The population dispersal and conservation needs of montane endemic butterflies in Southern Mexico
Jorge L. León-Cortés

Movement-based approaches for estimating population growth rates and critical minimum patch size
Leone Brown

Higher mobility of butterflies than moths connected to habitat suitability and body size in a release experiment
Mikko Kuussaari

Multicausality of dispersal variation in a butterfly metapopulation
Nicolas Schtickzelle

Importance of dispersal and metapopulation dynamics in tropical butterfly conservation
Anuj Jain